Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Introduction of 4th in-class essay.

Usually, children live off their parents' help. They can't make decision without their parents' assistance and they always need their parents' help in order to survive. This is sstill the usuall familiy pattern, but there are many families that are unusual. In such families, children no longer depend on their parents and children's help are indispensable for parents' lives. In other words, the family role is inverted. Some people say that it has some positive effects, yet the parent-child role reversal has negative influence on children because of the following two reasons.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I changed Iwana's work to indirect speech.

Last Friday, I was working at the restaurant as a waiter. A couple, who came just now, began to complain. The men screamed that he had found hair in his soup, and called me. I asked him if something is wrong. He shouted that he didn’t want the soup with hair, so I apologized to him, saying that I was so sorry. Also, I suggested that if he wanted, I could bring him something else instead of the soup. Although I was trying to be nice for him, he didn’t give me a chance. He was very rude. He screamed that he didn’t want anything else from my restaurant, and it was my fault. In addition, he screamed that he wanted to speak with my manager immediately. Unlike him, his wife requested him to calm down. And then, she said that it was not a big dial, and they could order other things. However, the man was so furious that stood up and yelled on me that I was so stupid because I couldn’t help even him. Also, he inquired me who gave this job to me. However, He was too much, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. Therefore, I told him that I was going to leave, and he was no longer my customer, good-bye. Right after me, his wife acted in the same way as what I did. She said to him that he made her embarrassed in the restaurant because of just his soup, good-bye.